
dummy sendmail

[psumkin@psumkin-pc] ~
$ ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Oct 11  2012 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> /opt/dummy-sendmail

[psumkin@psumkin-pc] ~
$ cat /usr/sbin/sendmail 
# should be placed as /usr/sbin/sendmail

mkdir -p $prefix
date=`date \+\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%N`
while read line
echo $line >> $name
chmod 666 $name

[psumkin@psumkin-pc] ~

Навеяно habrahabr: Sendmail-заглушка для Linux



common_schema is a framework for MySQL server administration.

common_schema provides with:

  • A function library (text functions, security routines, execution and flow control, more...)
  • A set of informational and analysis views (security, schema design, processes, transactions, more...)
  • QueryScript interpreter, allowing for server side scripting.
  • rdebug: a debugger and debugging API for MySQL stored routines (alpha)

It introduces SQL based tools which simplify otherwise complex shell and client scripts, allowing the DBA to be independent of operating system, installed packages and dependencies.

It is a self contained schema, compatible with all MySQL >= 5.1 servers. Installed by importing the schema into the server, there is no need to configure nor compile. No special plugins are required, and no changes to your configuration.

common_schema has a small footprint (under 1MB).

common_schema supports MySQL 5.1, 5.5, 5.6. It supports Percona Server & MariaDB.

common_schema 2.0 is licensed under the GPL license. Older versions are relesed under the New BSD License.

  • extract_json_value(): Extract value from JSON notation via XPath. This function is CPU intensive.
  • get_option(): Extract value from options dictionary based on key. The dictionary is similar in format to Python's dictionary or to JavaScript's shallow JSON object.


jQuery 1.9 and beta 2.0

..код jQuery теперь распространяется только под лицензией MIT..

..Большая часть изменений в новой версии связана с проведением чистки кодовой базы и удалением устаревших возможностей..

..бета-версия jQuery 2.0, функционально эквивалентна jQuery 1.9 на уровне API и отличается прекращением поддержки браузеров Internet Explorer 6, 7 и 8..

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